The Move to Squarespace

We’ve been hosted on Blogger for the majority of Collecting Asylum’s existence. Partly due to the upkeep of having a personally hosted site (and trying to come up with a design I was happy with), and honestly, partly due to laziness. Having a kid and alternating full time jobs naturally already took up most of our time, never mind adding this on top. But it was, and still is I suppose, a passion project. So, using a site like Blogger meant that we didn’t have the worry of keeping up with hosting payments (especially as there was a period or two of no posts for a while) nor did we have to do very much to build the website. It was all there for us.

I’d run various websites over the years as a teenager, hosted on servers and I’d built everything from the ground up - including the admittedly horrible CSS designs I’d made using Dreamweaver, to the graphics and the orange. Orange everywhere. Somehow I thought garish neon orange made for a good background colour. And logo colour. And other general images. Those sites hurt to look at. And they’d all been so long ago that I wasn’t used to using more up to date software.

And Blogger did us okay I guess. It was never something I was super happy with layout wise, or anything really. It was just easy to use - therefore easy to stay with. But we’d seen so many people praising Squarespace that we felt now it was time. Something just as simple to use as Blogger, but with a more professional appearance - one that we can work to look exactly how we want.

I’m hoping to have everything already moved over from the old site by the time you see this - but if I end up making this go live before I have it all moved, I’ll do my best to get them all up ASAP.

Anyway, hope you all like what we’ve done with the place :)

- V x


Starting Over


Fahrenheit: 15th Anniversary Edition